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Showing posts from July, 2013


I think I'm now committing a self-suicide ><!!! Why?! U chosen STPM? See?! your homework that will never see its end >< Why I should carry on? Sometimes just have an idea to just give up  my dream  that seems like stars which I could never reach Haizzz.... Quite tired  ... But then just for the choice I made I must still carry on no matter hoe tough or tired THIS IS YOUR CHOICE NO PEOPLE TELL YOU TO DO SO! So, I'm paying the "costly" prices for my own future Well Hmmm Keep calm, smile and go on as you had chosen it ... move on =)

Life Curve

Life easier said than done  hmmm... Never ever hope that  time  will stop for you or time will rewind This will just occur in the fairy tale but  no way in reality Grab the chance now otherwise there is no point  crying over the split milk =) After the secondary for those who continued the STPM life seems became complicated there are no more things that is simple   Teacher said that  "Do you all think that you all can score well in STPM just as you SPM?" "Oh no!! Fake hope" "If you are lazy" Sometimes just can't find a reason to continue Maybe that is just an simple excuse  for my laziness  However  this is just a process of life I believe that that is just a tiny part of my life curve Once you are a human being Nothing will be easy Except  you strive hard  and never ever give up.


这是一种 蛮奇妙的感觉 。。。 看着  自己培训出来 的人 把自己交付给他的责任 交付给 新的一代 ~ 不是不舍 不是感慨 就 只是那微妙的感觉 卸任了 就 把重担交给了 自己信赖的人 自己也不能松懈啊! 据说, 考试即将来临! 大家 加油咯 =) 有感。而发~ 看着 那摇摇欲坠的字牌 经几次 微风的洗礼 都险些掉了下来 但是 最终还是粘在墙上 这 是不是表示 只要我们 不揭穿别人的弱点或短处 那个人 就会竭尽所能的 把自己最好的一切 表现得淋漓尽致? "Don't judge a book by its cover." 我猜想 这是自然界 今天教会我的事吧 也许 表面上 他 并不可靠 并不聪明 并不完美 但 或许 他 以后 就可能是你的上司 甚至 是你的老板 。。。 嗯~ 我只能说 大家 各有所长     各有千秋 大自然 是公平的 每一个人 生活在这世上 都会有 属于自己的定位 属于自己的天空 未来? 还没有到,谁又敢保证? 空谈!