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Showing posts from June, 2014


Actually,  I dunno what to share on this post ... kinda weird, right? the first week of third semester just fly through without notice first week Ermmm..... quite leisure and free should I say like that? tuition, tutorial, class... everything as usual as semester 2 nothing special in this semester  except the syllabus we have to learn well  today, I have some opinion to share ... what is defined by a good teacher? Erm... in my opinion, a good teacher might be not so well in what he/she teaches BUT he/she must have at least the  passion to teach that's all about the school rules etc. well it will depends on the situation sometimes teachers may not be too strict to their students as we know if you press a spring too hard the elastic potential energy will be greater this simple rule applied too on the teachers-and-students case ... Friends what is meant by friends? wel...


已经 忘记是何时开始的 偷偷 会关注别人 账号 与 活动 甚至 自己还觉得 有一点点的过分 有时 心中的冲动 想帮忙辩护 或 辩解 明明就 事不关己 但是 总是会 鸡婆的多管闲事 惹得满身的腥臭味 这是一个怎样的感觉呢? 明明就不是喜欢 却还是会 忍不住地想要关心一下 明明就只是朋友 但却又不像朋友那般的潇洒 (至少我不是) 就这样 喜欢自己胡思乱想 胡乱推测 思维一团乱 无奈啊 =S

Holiday (well, not actually)

Two weeks time flies really flies =S well school reopen will be the last term of STPM Hmmm... left a few months to still stay in Muar High School Appreciate the last few moments PMR  SPM  n STPM what a glory time in high school friends, studies, scout, music etc. after STPM all will re-cycle back to times after SPM dunno why quite sad thinking the moment living the school living friends, living habitat,  living  a place where used to be daily well really dunno what I'm thinking now confused haha as usual ><


Everyone came to this world with different duties we played a specific role which are totally different with others though they might be some similarities We cannot replace anyone even though if u r twins we r just simply a unique and specific    living organism that called homo sapiens which look alike but actually not +++++ That is not a responsibilities for everyone to know you well as we r specific So sometimes we might feel that the world are against you and we are helpless and hopeless well just find a dark corner take your blanket and have a big cry alright that is not emotional it is just a simple release if u cannot continue then please stop no people will force you to go on take a rest and escape from the reality just for a while and that's fine +++++  心灵的空虚 没有人能够为你填补 只有多阅读  多独处  多了解自己 其实 也就这么简单 人生并没有想象中的复杂 也许吧 也冀望如此 +++++ Hollow heart...