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Pathways of Future

There are a myraid of choices
National Service ?
A Level Study ?
SPM Result ?

A lot of choices
till I don't know what to choose

Friends are back from the
National Service
The Narional Service sounds good
 my parents seem not supporting me
to go for it

And friends who reject to go for it 
is now regreting
Don't know what to say about him
But I don't want follow his steps
and regreting now

Do I go for National Service ?

About the A Level study
should I choose ?
I personal preffered LE
The modular system is better for me
Cause I think
 I cannot stand any more for examination oriented study

If I have the golden opportunity
HELP uni 
will be my first choice
Hope that the goverment will come out some policy 
like last year's Bursary

My friend told me that 
He had insomia for several days
Cause afraid that he cannot get straight A's
in the examination
What I would like to comment 
is that
 If you had given all your best for the examination
The word
should not appear in your dictionary of life

As long as you had tried your best 
no matter what the outcome is
That will be yours

"As you sow so shall you reap"

This is what I could say

For me
future seems too blur and too far
I have no idea what to do
for it

Future just like lights
I can just follow it and go ahead
But i will never know how it looks like

Future question just left it to me in the future
 I shouldn't worry about it now

Smile and  head to future


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